Clear Enterprise Server Security Java
Performance Thin Client  

Clear Enterprise running besides a web server

The Clear Enterprise Solaris server can run as an extension to a web server, besides being able to handle socket clients. This module centralises access to the other systems and is capable of linking directly to a company's database.

Solaris Server

The Solaris Server adds a server-side script language to the web server. The script language allows dynamic HTML to be generated depending on user interaction with the system.

Access to business processes such as on-line order entry or account status are provided as low-level script commands. This allows the server to process information for the user while hiding the implementation, providing a major boost to security.

When logging into the system users are authenticated against the company database, not the web server. The user ID and password provided by our system are not related to the underlying network security in any way. Instead, the Solaris Server authenticates the user's account details and itself logs into the network.


A key difference between our technology and other implementations is performance: It is important to note that our Solaris Server becomes a native component of the Web Server and is not reliant on a third-party interface. For example, a typical implementation would call on services such as ODBC (Open Database Connectivity):

Traditional Web Implementation

In our implementation, the Web Server is effectively a part of the accounting system:

Clear Enterprise Web Implementation

Should an existing database not be present, our system is capable of using its own. In this case the Solaris Server and Database are combined into a single entity.

Reducing the number of layers between the Web Server and the company database directly improves performance.


Security is perhaps the most important feature of any Internet implementation and our technology was designed with this in mind.

In addition to authenticating users against the company database (instead of exposing a network user ID and/or password) the server is also capable of working in conjunction with a Certificate Authority for secure transactions.

The scripts for our database transactions are executed from the Web Server itself and are not visible to the user.

We have also developed a Java applet for a user's web browser that encrypts data before it is even transmitted over the web in any form. This layer further enhances security.

Thin Client

Because the scripts for our Solaris Server actually run on the Web Server there is no need for special plug-ins (such as Microsoft ActiveX) on the user's web browser.

We can provide full e-commerce capability to users with browsers capable of displaying standard HTML files.


Our technology can interact with Java and JavaScript on a user's web browser. It is possible to share information between our Solaris Server, Java and Javascript so that the user has a rich operating environment. See some screenshots here.